

As the number one aerospace industry in Europe, the UK appeals to global aerospace manufacturers because of its world class capabilities.

This high-technology, high-skill industry features a broad range of high-value disciplines, including engineering, science, project management, production, service, training and finance. As such, it remains at the forefront of new research and development (R&D). The UK aerospace sector directly employs almost 110,000 people across the country and many more in the supply chain, with an advanced manufacturing base providing work for around 3,000 companies of all sizes.

In particular, south west England has a strong presence of global players and generates a breadth of specialist technical knowledge for the aerospace sector. The region has a proven ability to produce spin-out companies with linkages and diversification into related sectors and has the largest amount of investment in aerospace for R&D in the UK. As a result, leading academic institutions produce high calibre graduates, and the region benefits from expertise in robotics, autonomous systems, composites, ceramics, avionics and other higher value added technologies.

Universities and Colleges

Universities and colleges offering advanced engineering courses in the South West:



News and Posts

Farnborough Air Show 2024 – Day 3 Round Up

Another successful day for the WEAF team and exhibitors on day three of the Farnborough International Air Show! WEAF continues to grow its relationship with new members Boeing UK Defence by supporting introductory meetings with the Boeing UK Defence supply chain,...

Farnborough Air Show 2024 – Day 2 Round Up

Tuesday was another bustling and successful day for the WEAF Team and exhibitors, highlighting the strength of the South West's network and supply chain. The team was supported by the expertise of supply chain specialists Phil Curnock and Ian Davies. From the opening...

Farnborough Air Show 2024 – Day 1 Round Up

It was great to finally be back at the Farnborough Air Show again! The WEAF stand and exhibitor's pods looked great, doing a brilliant job of showcasing the South West's capabilities, members network & exhibitors.         The WEAF Team...