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Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

Aish Mixes With Royalty to Tackle Apprenticeships

Aish Technologies, the Poole-based defence systems manufacturer, recently took the opportunity to discuss apprenticeships with HRH The Princess Royal at the annual conference of the Society of Marine Industries (SMI). Princess Anne was the special guest at the...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

Keynote speaker announced for the WEAF Aerospace Ambassador Awards

“WEAF are delighted to announce that our Guest of Honour and Key-note Speaker for the Aerospace Ambassador Awards Ceremony will be Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Bristol. Recognising the importance of Aerospace in the...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)


Volunteers from the new home of Concorde receive The Queen’s  Award for Voluntary Service: The “MBE for volunteer groups” Volunteers from Aerospace Bristol – the new home of the last Concorde ever to fly - have been honoured with the highest award for UK volunteer...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)


As we continue to establish our credentials as precision engineers, M-CNC have recently invested in a second unit to keep pace with growing customer demand from across the UK. The new unit is next door to our existing Bridgwater site in Somerset. It will allow us to...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

WEAF Welcomes new member YEW Research & Consulting

YEW Research & Consultancy provides specialist aerospace professional services, both to companies and also to other organisations supporting the aerospace sector. YEW Research & Consultancy can help to grow your business by working with you on strategy and...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

Countdown begins to South West aerospace Oscars

Stars of the South West’s aerospace and defence sectors are being encouraged to submit their entries for the West of England Aerospace Forum (WEAF) Aerospace Ambassadors Awards, as the deadline fast approaches. Nominations for the awards close on 9 June 2017.  Winners...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

WEAF Welcomes New Member: Thales Cyber and Consulting

Thales Cyber and Consulting is the consulting division of Thales. Our global network of technical experts offers unparalleled insight where you need it, driven by our long experience of business and management consultancy across the most...

Innovative Ideas for Aerospace showcased at the University of the West of England (UWE)

Making Global Goals Local Business

The Global Goals are going to transform our world and that transformation will create opportunities for new business models to deliver new products and services into new markets. After the largest public consultation ever undertaken, the Goals were adopted by the UK...